dizziness in menopause

dizziness in menopause. Unfortunately during menopause, the explosive symptom of dizziness in menopause is very common. You know the feeling - the feeling of movement inside of the ribs down with the rest of the body can not be at peace. Or the inability to get up quickly not unlike the feeling you get when you just jump on a roller coaster. In extreme cases, it can feel like you're on the receiving end of a knockout blow to the head.

Far menopause, dizziness in menopause on a variety of factors can be attributed - especially variations:

1 Blood Pressure

2 low blood sugar

3 Viral infections

When it comes to menopause, anxiety and hyperventilation, headaches, panic attacks and everything can lead to debilitating attacks of vertigo. Some women experience this symptom to become agoraphobic, and to leave the house for fear of weakness and dizziness in menopause .

First, the levels of estrogen and progesterone fall, and this is one of the first things that should be evaluated by a doctor before having to do something different. Estrogen affects the nerves as well and not producing enough, can make you feel as "unavailable" on the edges.

Progesterone is produced in the brain, and serotonin, and this hormone is absent, the ability to calm may be affected. And, if there is enough estrogen to the brain, lead dizziness in menopause and other related feelings provided.

Tinnitus, a symptom of menopause infamous can also contribute to dizziness in menopause . The constant hum, noise can confuse and ears singing. Combine this with other symptoms such as headaches, hot flashes, night sweats and panic attacks, and has a formula for being unbalanced.

Women who suffer from panic or anxiety attacks during menopause are more prone to hyperventilation and rapid breathing can easily cause dizziness in menopause , lightheadedness, or fainting.

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