dhea menopause

dhea menopause . Most women have heard of hormone replacement therapy, hormone replacement therapy, and, possibly, about the dangers that come to the fore in recent years. However, have you ever heard of dhea menopause therapy? This precursor of the little known and recently announced that it is always a bit 'of bad publicity in recent years by some, but here are some facts to support its use and benefits desirable.

Recent studies of dhea menopause (dehydroepiandrosterone), many amazing things about this chemical, which is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and is a precursor showed several hormones in men and women. There was not even discovered until 1934, and for years it was thought that little or no benefit. Not learn about DHEA until 1996, when the benefits are exposed by the media to the public. The medical profession, which took more seriously as the New York Academy of Sciences published a book entitled "DHEA and Aging." The book provides concrete evidence that the lives of many effects ranging from dhea menopause .

It 'been shown that serum levels of dhea menopause declines with age to start, and most men in the mid 60s and women are about 80% of chemical production in the body lost. In his youth, the highlight of the production is about 25 years. This is just one of many that the hormone decreases with age, but taking DHEA supplements have been a safe and effective way to improve. Almost all other hormones The real benefits of dhea menopause is that this hormone increases only other hormones needed by the body, a hormone "master", which means the other control. Please allow up to 50 mg. dhea menopause is not dangerous for your health, but that the female hormones estradiol and progesterone only weak growth. It also increases testosterone in men and women, which is the main hormone, which increases both libido.

The studies were conducted to evaluate the safety of this hormone, which is why it is sold without prescription in pharmacies and supermarkets are looking to evaluate. A one-year study called DHEAge study was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The conclusion was that this "test confirmed the absence of adverse effects of 50 mg / day of dhea menopause administration" over a year. He also noted that the therapy to "normalize" helped the effects of aging on the subject. He looks very strong, right? Furthermore, the benefits for menopausal women are amazing. The increase bone density, enhanced libido, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, reducing cholesterol.

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