Dyspareunia Menopause

  Dyspareunia Menopause One of the most difficult changes in menopausal women who have to deal with the thinning of the vaginal muscles and loss of moisture in the vaginal mucosa, resulting in dryness and therefore sex problems.

   Pain during sex is felt within the vagina, and thus may also be felt in the pelvic region, lower back, uterus and bladder Dyspareunia Menopause .

   Vaginal dryness occurs brings a sexual problem called Dyspareunia Menopause or painful intercourse. The intensity of pain varies from woman to woman and can be alleviated to some extent by the application of water-based lubricant in the vagina.

   If in case the lubricants do not work, then you have to consult your gynecologist about creams that contain estrogen or other medications that stimulate vaginal lubrication.

   However, these products will help only alleviate the problem at the time. If too dyspareunia is affecting your sex life, then it would be advisable to consult on estrogen therapy .

Causes Of Early Menopause

   Know the causes of early menopause? Hot flashes, mood swings, sleep problems, lack of appetite in relationships ... can disappear the rule before turning 40? Indeed, it is what is known as early menopause and is a stage for various reasons, from having started menstruating at an early age to be regular smokers, may

Hypertension and Menopause

With the development of Hypertension and Menopause , women are more vulnerable to risks of developing hypertension.
Although men and women tend to develop this condition, the prevalence is significantly lower in women than in men and fifty years, where this ratio is reversed dramatically.
About 60% women are increased blood pressure levels during Hypertension and Menopause .

   To help resolve this issue, was launched a few months ago, a new therapeutic option once daily and much simpler than existing hypertension treatments for the patient, significantly improving adherence to therapy this by providing 24 hours of protection, more antihypertensive potency and fewer side effects Hypertension and Menopause .

   This novel therapy is a revolutionary combination of telmisartan and amlodipine, which seeks to mitigate this evil in Chile affects 26.9% of the population over 15 years Hypertension and Menopause .

  Hypertension and Menopause In our country, the average age at which women have menopause is 49 years. Whereas the current life expectancy is greater than 75 years, women spend more than one third of his life in climacteric. "For those women who suffer from hypertension during menopause, it is essential to fully live this phase of their lives, so it is necessary to single therapy without adverse effects that allows women to control their Hypertension and Menopause without making them feel who are sick, "said Dr. Raul Villar, a specialist in Internal Medicine and General Secretary of the Pan American College endothelium.

   Dr. Villar, also explains that "with the onset of Hypertension and Menopause estrogens decreases in the body, which implies a loss of vascular tone and increased salt sensitivity. But there are other factors related to sedentary lifestyle, excess weight and unhealthy eating, not to mention certain hereditary and psychological factors such as anxiety that some women have to deal with Hypertension and Menopause . "

   For the World Health Organization, the mismanagement of hypertension is the main risk of mortality worldwide. Treatment intolerance and noncompliance are common problems to achieve effective control of blood pressure. Proper treatment of hypertension reduces cardiovascular risk to normal levels.

Palpitations and Menopause

   Palpitations and Menopause is a gradual process, which begins in mid-forties and continues until 1-2 years after they stop ovulating. Perimenopause stage is the stage in which the body begins to prepare for menopause and begins in the thirties. During this period, the body undergoes several hormonal changes also affect the functioning of other organs. Palpitations and Menopause , hot flashes are usually interconnected.

Palpitations and Menopause

   Before delving into what are palpitations, and its relation to Palpitations and Menopause , it is imperative to understand how hormones during the normal menstrual cycle. The levels of various hormones in the female body as estrogen, progesterone, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), are continually changing. Typically, estrogen levels in the body of origin for the first 14 days in a normal menstrual cycle. After which ovulation occurs and the body prepares for pregnancy. Progesterone is produced in large quantities in this phase. Progesterone has a calming and soothing effect on the body and is also responsible for the metabolism of estrogen. Now during Palpitations and Menopause , the body's ability to ovulate decreases, as a result of FSH is released in large amounts in an attempt to stimulate ovulation. This also leads to increased levels of estrogen, which cause havoc on the body. Palpitations are the result of this hormonal imbalance.

   Palpitations and Menopause  is characterized by rapid heartbeat, hot flashes at night, etc. The heartbeat becomes irregular and abnormally fast (cardiac arrhythmia). Although, this is quite common at night, palpitations can occur anytime and anywhere. It can even happen while you are working or middle of any activity. In these cases, you should stop what you're doing and try to be as calm as possible. During menopause, episodes of palpitations occur every 2-3 months and last a long time. If you are on hormone replacement therapy (HRT), you may experience frequent episodes of heart palpitations during the initial days of treatment.

   In addition, hormonal imbalance, other causes of Palpitations and Menopause include ingestion of stimulants too. Diet pills, decongestants, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine can increase heart rate by confused. Other causes include Palpitations and Menopause fluid imbalance, or loss of electrolytes. Sometimes, anemia, certain thyroid disorders, hypoglycemia can cause palpitations all menopausal period. These are serious conditions that need to be addressed without delay. In rare cases, a malfunction of the heart muscle may be causing heart palpitations. However, you should not worry that if you are still within the perimenopausal age. Symptoms of menopause and heart palpitations in perimenopausal women is mainly due to hormonal imbalance. When you first experience Palpitations and Menopause , you may want to get yourself checked by a doctor, to alleviate all causes other than Palpitations and Menopause . If for any other reason is found to be responsible for palpitation, then appropriate medical treatment and was started. Palpitations due to Palpitations and Menopause not need medical treatment, and subsequently disappear on their own.

   Palpitations and Menopause is a part of every woman's life and there is nothing to fear about. However, if the palpitations become unbearable or if you have other abnormal symptoms along with it, please contact your doctor, because it may be a sign of a serious disorder.

Menopause Swollen Breasts

Menopause Swollen Breasts ,Breast painful swelling or vice versa, drop appearance ... are some of the symptoms and changes that may occur in the breasts during menopause , Menopause Swollen Breasts .

Menopause Swollen Breasts . Note that now the estrogen levels begin to decrease, less ovaries, delayed menses, decreased reproductive function of your body and therefore also of your breasts. It is normal that when going through the whole

process of menopause your breasts feel a drop of previous force, biologically and do not have to breastfeed. And this, although not a problem but a matter of aesthetics, many women give much importance and come to feel depressed or disillusioned. Creams, fasteners, plastic surgery or good posture will make breasts look more lifted, Menopause Swollen Breasts .

Regarding painful breasts during menopause. You walk into an age when you should get medical checkups. And the breast pain has nothing to do with menopause usually, unlike ... But by age, see a doctor for regular check and monitoring, especially if you have frequent or constant pain, unexplained, or a hard mass inside the breast, we must also bear in mind that the type of breast cancer does not have to show any pain. Therefore it is recommended mammograms from age 40 once every two years.

In men something similar happens in the prostate and the test is less worthy than a mammogram Menopause Swollen Breasts .